Summer Storms and Other Shelter Needs

By | July 27, 2018

According to how to shelter depends on the hazard you are sheltering from.
I’ll use two hazards from our Multi-hazard Mitigation Plan: Tornado/Wind Storm and Hazardous Materials.
During a tornado we all know that you should shelter in a basement, or on the lowest level away from corners, windows, doors and outside walls. Practice this with your family so everyone knows that when your NOAA all hazard radio announces a tornado warning, you all head for the designated shelter area. I personally recommend having items ready to grab on days when storms are forecast. Put entertainment items such as books or games, snack items and water on the steps leading down to the shelter. That way you don’t have to search for them and you’ll have something to do while you wait out the storm.

For hazardous materials release we still shelter indoors but you would take extra precautions to keep the contamination from getting into your home.
Here is information from on SEALING A ROOM.
As always, pass this information along to friends, neighbors, family. Do drills to make these actions routine. You never know what calamity could strike, when. STAY SAFE!

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