Category Archives: Planning

Information for you to build your plans

Tornado Safety Information from the CDC

Tornadoes and severe summer storms with straight line winds can crop up fast. Here is some great information from the CDC on what you should do to prepare. Tornado information   Always remember to use your NOAA All-hazards radios and when the sirens sound, TAKE COVER!

Exciting Weather? Do You Have a Plan?

Following this past weekends weather, the question comes to mind of how many plans we need to have in place. When there is a celebration in a town, are you aware of where the shelters are located? Basements in businesses uptown in Langdon or other towns can be used as shelters from severe summer weather.… Read More »

Pets? Include Them in your Plans!

PLANNING AHEAD PLAN Plan your pet’s evacuation prior to the disaster to include asking others familiar with your pets to assist in the event you’re not able to. Let your vet know if someone else is authorized to make decisions regarding your pet’s care (i.e. surgery). Make sure your pet has current ID and vaccination… Read More »

Can My Business Survive?

According to Wikipedia; A business continuity plan is a roadmap for continuing operations under adverse conditions (i.e. interruption from natural or man-made hazards). BCP is an ongoing state or methodology governing how business is conducted. In the US, governmental entities refer to the process as continuity of operations planning (COOP). BCP is working out how to continue operations under… Read More »

Disaster Plan

How about developing a disaster plan? How would you find your family if you are separated? How do you communicate in an emergency? Decide where your household will reunite after a disaster, Choose 2 places to meet: one right outside your home and another outside of your neighborhood, such as the church, out building, neighbors… Read More »